We have created the following packages to help you take advantage of our volume pricing.
- 20 hours – $800 ($40/hour)
- 30 hours – $1050 ($35/hour)
- 40 hours- $1200 ($30/hour) (Best Value)
Non-Package Fees
The fee for non-package genealogical research, record searching, and consultation is $45.00 (U.S.) per hour, plus expenses**, due in advance. A minimum retainer of $400.00 (U.S.) is required.
**Expenses include costs of copies of records, certificates, and other documents; fees paid to agents to search records not available locally; field travel (auto, meals, lodging), [no additional charges for travel to Salt Lake City & metropolitan area]; fees paid to courthouses, repositories, and other record facilities; administrative costs for items such as postage and supplies.