Nielsen Genealogical Service provides in-depth family history research in the following geographical areas:

  1. Denmark
  2. Norway
  3. Sweden
  4. Finland
  5. Germany
  6. Poland (German and Latin)
  7. Switzerland
  8. England
  9. Wales
  10. Scotland
  11. United States
  12. Canada (English-speaking)
  13. Iceland

Obtaining Services

When making an inquiry or placing an order for research, include a pedigree chart and pertinent family group records. Be sure to give complete information on the line(s) for which research needs to be performed and details of research already completed to avoid duplication of searches.

Records Access

Nielsen Genealogical Service has access to the collections of the world-famous Genealogy Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. If the required records are not available in Salt Lake City, record searchers in the locality of concern are employed to perform the searches or field trips are conducted and on-the-spot research is conducted.